
I started my studies in Architecture in Mexico at the Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro and continued and concluded them at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. After working in different architectural offices in Germany for a couple of years, I returned to Mexico to become part of a small team of architects at the department of construction of the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ). During this time, my work as an architect centred on designing public buildings and infrastructure as well as learning environments for the university. This work has been profoundly rewarding and worthwhile and one in which I learned about, worked on, and matured in most phases of architectural practice. While in praxis, I also started teaching in the School of Architecture at the same university. These worlds became intertwined building on each other —teaching raised my awareness about the politics of space in theory which I saw and experienced first hand in praxis which, in turn, advanced my critical thinking about architecture helping me develop the curricula of the different courses I taught and forming the foundations of my doctoral research. Moreover, in 2014, I received a small grant from the UAQ to undertake a research-by-design project to design a small minimum impact house powered only by the sun in order to generate knowledge and skills on sustainable architecture. Practising, teaching, and doing research in Mexico has underpinned not only my future work but also  my (professional) identity.